Moss Yaw Design studio

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A Stop-Motion Origami Tessellation

Architect's weekend project...

Most of our current MYD architectural projects don't require hand-built models, as digital (BIM) models are efficient tools offering greater flexibility in terms of aiding in client visualization and presentation.

However, there's something to be said for the hands-on experience of assembling shapes with various materials and means... and sometimes it's just nice to take a break from the computer.


So, last weekend, I spent Sunday morning assembling a new origami tessellation- a lesser stellated dodecahedron, to be more specific. This type of tangible, three-dimenional exploration of mass, space and scale has personally enhanced my understanding architecture, and a lifelong interest in paper folding has been essential to my growth as a designer.

...and possibly most importantly of all, it brings me immense joy.
cheers + happy folding, lauren