MYD on Houzz
Today, MYD was featured on Houzz, in the ideabook below (we're the second image in the slideshow)...
Read MoreToday, MYD was featured on Houzz, in the ideabook below (we're the second image in the slideshow)...
Read MoreOn December 30th, 2011, the architecture community (and the world) lost an icon of vernacular modernism, Ricardo Legorreta.
If you haven't seen the beautiful custom concrete work from Gore Design, here's a quick photo of the Erosion sink and onyx wall, two very distinctive design elements for a modern Orange County home...
Read MoreA few photos of MYD's South Laguna Cottage; we'll be updating our design page soon with more images, project information and related details, so keep an eye out, and thanks for stopping by!